Interested in teaching the people’s history in your classroom? Visit our friends the Zinn Education Project for free, downloadable teaching materials that emphasize the role of working people, women, people of color, and organized social movements in shaping history.
To promote the teaching and exploration of history from below through first-person narratives, Voices makes many resources available to educators, such as:
• A free Teaching Guide, in which Gayle Olson-Raymer provides insight into how to use the remarkable Voices anthology in the classroom, including discussion, exam, and essay questions, creative ideas for in-class activities and group projects, and suggestions for teaching Voices alongside Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States.
• A free Voices in the Classroom Curriculum Guide.
• Online people’s history teaching materials and resources.
• Tools for organizing readings from Voices of a People’s History of the United States with students and others.
• A store with additional teaching materials.
A Maxine Greene student performs in front of their classmates.
To receive these educational materials, please fill out the form below: